Thursday, 25 October 2007

writing blog is the hardest profession in the world

hello my empty blog,
after several months of wondering what to begin with here, I finally decided to sit down and write. but obviously I haven't come to any conclusions whatsoever, thats why i have no idea what to write about... this blog is already fascinating haha. i have a better idea i will make it photo blog so that I don't have to write that much and focus more on picture taking. brilliant idea!
when you don't know what to do just turn left and park yourself somewhere off road. take a break and chill. do not force yourself to do things you do not really want to do. just enjoy.

Wednesday, 21 March 2007


we all hallucinate. let's not hide it then. show it off. it's healthy to get rid of it. get it out of your head and let it flow freely into the outside world. lets save our hallucinations, lets help them. when the world's letting you down - let's hallucinate together.